
Principles of Freedom 83 – Political Education 101

Issue 33.16

“I know no safe depository of the ultimate powers of the society but the people themselves, and if we think them not enlightened enough to exercise their control with a wholesome discretion, the remedy is not to take it from them, but to inform their discretion by education. This is the true corrective of abuses of constitutional power.”   – Thomas Jefferson

My sole purpose in writing these articles for you, the reader, is to convey ideas and information that will assist you to understand, support and defend the principles of freedom. These principles are the basis of what has made our country great, prosperous and free. The freedom I am talking about is individual freedom to act and decide our futures undeterred, unless those acts infringe upon the freedoms or rights of others

Our current political climate is full of bombastic and energetic speeches, political spin (dishonesty) and emotional manipulation. That manipulation is usually in the form of creating fear. It is rampant in the current presidential campaign, and is increasingly evident even in the races for Congress, and filters down to the state and local level. The reason this is so is that fear motivates or it debilitates, depending upon the individual. If you can create enough fear of your political opponent, the people may vote for you or even give you money. Alternatively, they may give up and hide – not participating because they are afraid they might support something or someone that will eventually do harm to our country and our people. The problem with this approach is obvious. If both major party candidates create fear of the opposing major parties candidates, the people are seemingly left with no option which they can support.

In our presidential race, the Democrats portray the Republican candidate as emotional, egotistical and dangerous. The Republicans portray the Democrat candidate as power hungry, criminal and dangerous. There is evidence that these evaluations have some merit and it leaves a majority of the voting public confused as to how they can support either. As an antidote for this sad state of affairs, I ask every reader to take the time to inform themselves on the principles that, when lived by, create freedom and well-being for individuals and for the nation. I am going to list here a few resources that I hope you will take some time to investigate. I have included information from individuals running for political office that are doing so in the hopes of turning the tide against what the major parties are doing. I hope it will give you the political education you need to make better choices.  Darrel Castle is one of the founders of the American Taxpayer Movement and the Constitution Party. His insights are important.  Oliver DeMille is one of the most articulate teachers and thinkers on the scene today. This page has free downloads of many of his excellent articles that address the principles we need to understand. Check out his books, LeaderShift, FreedomShift and We Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident as well. This is just one web page of many that feature the works and thinking of Scott Bradley. His regular webinars are powerful expositions of what is going on now and what should and could be happening if more of us were aware of the power that “We the People” actually have to change things. I consider Scott the pre-eminent Constitutional Scholar and Historical Teacher of important ideas anywhere.

Oliver is not running for office, but even if you don’t vote for the other two, the principles you can learn from them will help you decide who is qualified and desirable in every election from President to Dog-Catcher. Understanding correct principles is important for every elected and appointed office – especially Supreme Court Justice. Let’s learn and vote based on principle. Let’s make a difference.

Lynn West is a thinker, a teacher and a patriot. You can reach him through email at or through this newspaper. Liberty is a state of being which must be continually created. These articles can help all of us discover the ways we can contribute to that outcome.

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