
Legal Issues For The Elderly: Second Marriages and Estate Planning

Issue 16.17

Having served as an estate planning for twenty-one years, I have witnessed the remarriages of many clients. As a young attorney, I worried about these marriages later in life after a client’s spouse died. Now, after watching dozens of clients enjoy the mutual benefits of marriages later in life, I share the following […]

Genealogy Corner: Web Indexing

Issue 16.17

The new FamilySearch web indexing program will be rolling out throughout the remainder of this year. It has been released to Temple and Family History Consultants and leaders so far so they can become familiar with the tool and plan for the volunteers in their areas. Some of you who haven’t submitted an […]

Geek Speak: Leave The Computer On?

Issue 16.17

I have worked with computers for over 30 years and one question that comes up often is whether the customer should leave their computer on or turn it off when they are not using it. Interestingly, the answer has changed over the years and is not the same for all users.

In the […]

The Truth About Age 65

Issue 15.17

When Social Security was established in the 1930’s the life expectancy at birth was 58 years for men and 62 years for women, and the retirement age was 65. This might look fishy on the surface and lead us to believe that the government set the retirement age at 65 so that Americans […]

Financial Defense

Issue 20.17

We’ve all heard the stories of young professional athletes who become millionaires overnight. Signing seven digit salaries with seven digit bonuses, only to watch them squander it away in a short period of time to become broke, bankrupt and even owing money. Among the most notable examples are Allen Iverson, who reportedly earned […]