
Principles of Freedom – Declaring Independence

Issue 44.17

As I mentioned in the last article, we became very aware that Catalan (a segment of Spain centered in Barcelona) was seeking independence. They want to become their own country. Flags showing this were everywhere. Since we returned home, the vote was held and a majority of people in that area voted to […]

Poor Sleep Can Result in a Bigger Waistline

Issue 44.17

If you have poor sleep patterns, you’re more likely to be overweight and obese. That’s the conclusion of a new research study from the University of Leeds in the United Kingdom.

According to the study, people who slept on average around six hours each night had a waist measurement that was an inch […]

Understanding Your Social Security… Social Security Announces 2.0 Percent Benefit Increase for 2018

Issue 43.17

Monthly Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits for more than 66 million Americans will increase 2.0 percent in 2018, the Social Security Administration announced today. The 2.0 percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will begin with benefits payable to more than 61 million Social Security beneficiaries in January 2018. Increased payments to more […]

Day Of The Dead

Issue 43.17

Halloween is fast approaching – a day when little witches, ghosts, goblins, and all varieties of Star Wars characters roam the streets in search of candy. Halloween happens to be one of my family’s favorite holidays. But for some cultures, there is much more to Halloween than just tricks and treats.

Dia de […]

“Is It possible To Have Arthritis In My Low Back Or Neck?”

Issue 43.17

This is a question that I come across on a daily basis in my clinic and the answer is yes. Arthritis in the low back (lumbar spine) commonly causes the following type of pain: hip and buttock pain, cramping of the lower extremity but usually not below the knee, low back stiffness (especially […]

ASK TOM: Are Prenuptial Agreements Really Necessary?

Issue 43.17

You are getting married — for the second time. While everyone is congratulating you on finding love again, your children are encouraging you to complete a prenuptial agreement. Why are your children so concerned about your new life? Are they overreacting?

Most children who have experienced a parent in a second marriage attest […]

Geek Speak… Wireless Vulnerability

Issue 43.17

By now, you have probably heard that a problem exists with nearly all wireless networks including the one you likely have in your home or business. The WPA2 encryption system is used on 60% or more of the wireless networks around the world. It was regarded as a very difficult to hack protection […]

Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… Now Is The Time -This Is The Place And Time To Ask For A “Father’s Blessing” (Free Exercise Of Religion)

Issue 43.17

The City of St. George has officially invited you to apply for the position of CITY MANAGER. (DETAILS MAY BE FOUND ON CITY WEBSITE.) The final filing date for this recruitment is December 4, 2017. It is anticipated that the position will be filled by early February.

My dear friends and fellow citizens….. […]

The Science and Art of Embalming

Issue 42.17

The process of embalming has been around for thousands of years and has been practiced by many ancient cultures, including the Incas of Peru and the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Most notably, the ancient Egyptians have been credited with elevating embalming to its highest form by developing the process of mummification. They […]

Principles of Freedom – Political Freedom in Europe

Issue 42.17

My wife and I just returned from a long planned and long saved for trip to Europe, spending much of our time in Italy. We are far from world travelers and are not fluent in any language but English, but in our interaction with people and businesses there, it was very evident that […]