
Dear Ben?

Issue 11.13

I am a “cabinet guy”, a “wood guy” and that can seem boring.  I am not much of a writer. I struggle to put information on paper that I think you might find interesting and useful.  Get me talking about how to make old things new and how to make ugly things awesome.  Now I’m not feeling so boring anymore!  When I come to your house it’s to fix something and we talk.  You greet me at the door and the Questions and Answers flow and we discuss until we peel back the layers of the onion and have a solution to your problem.  It’s very personal and specific to each home, business, and situation.  I leave each appointment feeling a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie.  I believe I give you the tools to make an informed decision and resolve the problem you called me about.   I want to get the same result from this article. I believe we can get more out of these articles if I use a “Dear Ben” format.  Or we could call it “Ask a Redneck?”

I am going to beg you to send me questions.  At the end of this article you will find all of my contact information.  You can mail me, email me, call me, and for those super savvy seniors you can text me questions.  I don’t care about the content of the question.  This should be fun and or funny as well as informative.  Ask me anything and I will find you an answer.  Keep in mind these facts about me that will impact the answer you receive.  My formal education is high school and 17 years in construction, specifically woodwork in the Saint George area.  My classroom has been construction sites.  If you need something done I probably know who to have do it.

This being my first crack at this I will answer the two most common questions asked to me when I go to an appointment.  With most great questions there are multiple answers, and the best answer to a question is usually another question.

Q: Oh, you look much better in person than in your picture.  Why don’t they use a better picture of you in the paper?

A: I blame it on them…the Senior Sampler.   It’s a conspiracy against my stunning good looks.

A: I am not photogenic.  Photoshop anyone?

A: I appear larger in the picture and I am constantly offered cookies, cupcakes and other treats which I graciously accept and take more than my share.  I also love milk.

A: I appear larger in the picture so people ask me how to lose weight.

A: I didn’t want the Realtor picture.  You know the one that’s from two years after high school and when I show up you say, “Who the Heck is this guy?”  I’m also not a Tie guy.

A: If I spend a lot of time doctoring up a beautiful photo you will be disappointed when I arrive.

A: Final answer and the true story.  Everybody hates that picture.  Those that know me think it’s hilarious and embarrassing.  It’s posted on the wall in the St. George Lions Club so my fellow Lions can get a good laugh.  It’s had such disdain from those around me I have grown to love it.  Bottom line, I have been under pressure from the Sampler and everyone else to produce a new photo since that atrocity showed its ugly face.  There is a new picture to be unveiled next month.  The problem is it’s probably going to look the same!

Q: Are you from Texas?  If you could hear my voice you would ask the same question.  I still don’t believe it’s me talking when I see and hear it on video and my voicemail. 

A: I am from Escalante.  Yes, that’s in Utah.   A small town 3 hours from here. Population 700ish.  A no stop lights blink and you miss it kind of place.  It’s a great place to grow up.  Raised by a community, with a focus on an education in life, hard work, creativity, ingenuity, resourcefulness, respect, and gratitude.   A place where small town freedoms and isolation shape amazing, successful people.   A place I love to call home.  Yes, I may be a Redneck, and Rednecks get stuff done!

A: I recently visited Dallas.  They wondered where I was from too.  That may have been because of my clothes.

A: I have lived in Escalante and Saint George my entire life. I guess that makes ya talk funny.  Like Billy Bob Thorton said in the movie Sling Blade, “I like the way you talk.”  

I hope this motivates you to send me questions that may be a little more relevant to my profession and fixing things around your home.  Above all I want you to enjoy reading what I write.  If you made it this far, Thank You.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Send Questions to Dear Ben 595 N. 1300 E. Saint George, UT 84770.  Email  Text to my cell at 435-229-8709.  Call my Office 435-669-7080.  Reference Dear Ben. I would also like to know what City you live in, no other info is needed.  Fire away and I hope to have your question in next month’s article.  Thank you!


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