
The Genealogy Corner… The New FamilySearch

shanna-jonesIssue 27.09

17 Jun 2009 FamilySearch announced to users of the New FamilySearch (NFS) that all temples in Idaho and Utah will record ordinances using the new FamilySearch System by the end of July 2009.  Because all temples outside the Orient will be using NFS, no further temple ordinance information will be added to the International Genealogical Index (IGI).

Because of this, members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints should use the new FamilySearch site to view and verify the latest ordinance information, states Help Center document 107347.

Members who have registered in the existing site will be given access to register in the new FamilySearch system.  To register for this new system go to and click the “Register for the new FamilySearch” link.  If you are unable to register in new FamilySearch, please contact FamilySearch Support at one of the numbers listed on

Some members living in Utah and Idaho temple districts will not be able to add or make changes to data in new FamilySearch for several months, but will be able to view the data.  If you live in one of these temple districts, please contact your ward or branch consultant with questions or for additional information.

Members who do not have full access to new FamilySearch should continue to prepare and submit names for the temple using TempleReady.  However, to avoid unnecessary duplication, members should use the new FamilySearch to view the latest ordinance information for the names they are submitting.  In addition, to expedite processing at the temple, Family History Centers will be able to help you prepare your TempleReady submission so it can be used by the new system.

As of June 23, 2009, the St. George Temple is one of the temples which does have full access to the new FamilySearch system.  They will no longer accept TempleReady files and you will need to take your disk to a family history consultant or center to have it converted to the paper Family Ordinance Request form.  You will need your LDS Membership record number.           

Shanna Sullivan Jones is a professional genealogist now accepting new clients.  For additional information, Shanna can be reached at (435) 628-4900 or

2 comments to The Genealogy Corner… The New FamilySearch

  • Over the past 2 1/2 years, I have spent nearly 2,000 hours with New FamilySearch–beta-testing, teaching at our family history center, helping patrons, and cleaning my family tree. Several family history consultants asked me to write a manual for teaching New FamilySearch in their wards.

    So, I have posted a 66-page manual, entitled How To Use New FamilySearch Correctly, in PDF format, at, from which any New FamilySearch patron is welcome to print it.

    It provides tips and Do’s and Dont’s. Chapter 3 identifies the most efficient order of tasks to clean your family tree (so you won’t be so overwhelmed). The manual also reviews New FamilySearch’s future plans, and it evaluates the third-party software programs.

    I will update it whenever there is a major revision to New FamilySearch, which is about every 3 months. (The next should be in early November.)

    I offer it to your readers and hope it will help many.

    Best regards,

    George W. Scott
    Orem, Utah

  • Juanita Bradshaw

    PLEASE if you have Susan Scott in your line i would like to talk to you, Thank you, Juanita