
Beyond Technology… Hearing Devices Alone Are Not A ‘Cure All’ Approach

Issue 38.11

All too often the hearing care industry focuses too much attention on selling the latest in hearing technology rather than the more comprehensive approach of fully addressing the need for better understanding and communication. Don’t get me wrong, modern digital hearing devices do a terrific job of providing frequency specific amplification, but technology alone should not be considered a ‘cure all’ for the 30,000,000+ individuals who could transform their lives with a hearing boost.

We ‘Hear’ with our Ears; We ‘Listen’ with our Brain

Individuals seeking improved speech understanding and communication must realize that simply investing in modern digital hearing devices is not a comprehensive solution for improved hearing, listening, or communication.

We have a solution at Nilsson Hearing Center, our Comprehensive Approach and Unique Listening Enhancement Program will help you set realistic goals and understand how important the rehabilitative processes within our Unique Listening Enhancement Program are to actually improving speech understanding and communication skills. 

 As a Nationally Board-Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist, and someone who has been personally impacted by hearing loss, I fully understand that hearing devices are powerful, effective tools for increasing our ability to hear. But hearing devices will not automatically make us better listeners. That takes work! Listening requires attention, concentration and interest. Often times, individuals like me who are impacted by hearing loss develop poor listening skills. This occurs because hearing becomes so difficult that we give up and just “turn off” the speaker. Once you are fit with hearing devices, or if you already have hearing devices, it is imperative that your listening skills be re-sharpened. Nilsson Hearing Center will work with you to complete our Unique Listening Enhancement Program and increase your understanding by an average additional boost of 40% while in noisy situations.

Our Unique Listening Enhancement Program is recommended for:

Current Wearers, New Wearers, and Non-Wearers looking for a Boost

Throughout my 29 years in Southern Utah, my patients have provided the insight needed to change my practice in order to more fully address the needs of those who are impacted by hearing loss.  If you have any questions or concerns, I invite you to schedule a Complimentary Consultation by calling Nilsson Hearing Center at (435) 628-3192.

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