
Looking Back… Improve Relationships

Issue 35.13

There are only two things you can take with you from this life: relationships and your experiences. So how much of a priority do you give to these two areas? Experiences will happen whether or not you want them, but the amount of time and energy you give to relationships can be neglected. You’ve heard this expression: How many of us on our deathbed will say I wish I’d spent more time at the office?

Struggling as a single parent trying to raise my family on meager child support payments, I remember feeling guilty because I had to work and be away from my family daily. Luckily, I was able to change careers and become an elementary school teacher which enabled me to have holidays and summers off with my children. A job or career of any kind can take too much of your best energy while your family only gets what’s left over. I admire those young people today who can choose to be a stay at home parent because they have a spouse to support their family.

While having a career can be exciting and financially rewarding, seeing your child’s first step or hearing their first word can not be equaled by work achievements as important as they may be. I’ve always felt whenever I left a job that my contributions were soon forgotten, while the time I invested in my children’s growth and activities is everlasting. You can’t do it all. Too many of us try to do that and only end up feeling guilty. If you must work because of being single or in debt, make the best of your situation. Try to figure out how to prevent work from interfering with your family’s welfare and the relationships you want to build with each child and your spouse, if you have one.

Relationships take time and physical contact daily while your family is still at home. Later, you can reach out electronically, if you live at a distance from grown family members. I have to rely on emails, phone calls, etc. to have a connection with my grandchildren and even my adult children since I’m retired. Check in now and then in person, and inquire how they are doing. Express your love at the end of each contact. Take time for connecting and relating. It’s the most important work in your life whether you are male or female! NEXT TIME: Sending Value.

New class HEALING POETRY-explore free verse at AHA Artful Healing Academy 71 N 100 W St. George, Sat-Sep 7 9:30 am-2 pm. Fee-$25 incl. lunch, call 435 628-8522 or

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