
Genealogy Corner… St. George FamilySearch Library

Issue 41.13

On September 2, 2013, Elder Dennis Brimhall, CEO of FamilySearch, announced that Elder Bryce Jones and his wife Sister Nicole Jones had been called as the new directors of the St. George FamilySearch Library.  They succeed Elder Grey and Sister Marlene Larkin who had served for the past two and a half years.

Both Elder Bryce Jones and Sister Nicole Jones expressed enthusiasm for their new calling as they addressed the gathering of missionaries who serve at the St. George FamilySearch Library.  Elder Jones was born and raised in Hurricane, Utah, and is the son of Brian and Kathy Jones.  He served in the Japan Nagoya Mission and has held many LDS Church callings including Stake Executive Secretary, Elders Quorum President, Scout and Young Men’s Leader, Primary teacher and temple ordinance worker.  His vocational background is in real estate and computer technology.

Sister Nicole Jones was born in Salt Lake City to Kirk and Colette Winward.  She too has served in many Church callings including Young Women’s Secretary, Primary Teacher, Relief Society Additional Meetings Coordinator and temple ordinance worker.  She graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Health Promotion and Education.  She and Elder Jones are the proud parents of their three-year-old son Cael.

Elder Grey and Marlene Larkin served for 28 months as Directors during a time of significant change.  They both were born and raised in the area and have generously shared their love for family history and the significant importance of sharing it with others.  They held the FamilySearch Library together through the challenging concerns involved with two major moves and the procuring and preparation of the current location in St. George at 162 North 400 East on the second floor of Building B.  Everyone who has worked under their direction has appreciated the Larkins.  They always had a smile and Sister Larkin taught the priceless meaning of gathering, preparing and sharing family histories, one of the main focuses of the LDS Church Family History Department.

Elder Marlowe Anderson and his wife Sister Alice Anderson who have diligently served as Assistant Directors for six years will continue serving under the Jones in this valuable work.

For more information contact the FamilySearch Library at (435) 673-4591 or Shanna Jones (435) 628-4900

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