
Looking Back… Tell Your Story

Issue 1.14

I have now written 275 columns for the Senior Sampler over the past 5½ years. Am I rich yet? Well, there is no compensation for us columnists other than compliments (and sometimes criticisms) of what we write. So, why do I continue to write? to find my voice and help you find your voice through words. It’s that simple. I love to teach classes on how to Write Your Life Story. When I see a student from my class months or years later, I’ve found that few have continued or finished this important project. So, I’m taking a new direction with this column for the new year and will encourage each of you to write about an experience from your life or someone in your family that you’d like to share with others in our community.

The first topic is Remembering My Grandparents. Write down a special memory of one of your grandparents in 200 words or less, then email it to me or mail to 4221 Broadmoor Drive, St. George UT 84790. I’ll pick one-two entries to publish in my column weekly. Please attach to your story…I give permission for Lin Floyd to publish my story and your name. No fiction please. Everyone has something unique about their family to share. It’s time for you to participate in this column and get a start on writing your own life story.

Your short stories or vignettes can one day be printed out, then add some photos to give to your family to remember you after you’ve gone to the happy hunting grounds. There is value in capturing your story in words. You’ll learn more about yourself. Each individual who is born on earth is unique. Even identical twins have different personalities and ways of looking at the same world. Writing’s a way to share any wisdom or insights you’ve gained with others.

Too many of us are looking at the new year with a long list of procrastinated resolutions we didn’t accomplish last year because we don’t give ourselves a DEADLINE: the time by which something must be done or completed (Encarta® World English Dictionary).  Your deadline now is to write something down weekly after you read my column, then send it in to me to consider publishing. If you write something even daily, soon you’ll have a collection of stories about your life and family.  No excuses, just do it!

NEXT TIME:  Remembering My Grandparents. Don’t miss Write Your Life Story WORKSHOP on Sat, Jan. 5 from 9am to noon at AHA Artful Healing Academy 71 N 100 W in St. George. Fee-$20. Also from 1-2:30 pm HEALING FROM DIVORCE $10. For details, call 435 628-8522 or email

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