
Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… Wanted Worthy Citizens

Issue 23.15

Contact: SG City Recorder, Christina Fernandez  June 1st  Thru June 8th  Filing Dates For City Council Candidates City Hall 175 East 200 North, St. George, Utah – Phone 627-4000.

May 28th City Council Meeting was highlighted with a discussion on the 2015 – 2016 fiscal budget. This was to conclude presentations by each Department Head in which a Public Presentation of the goals and objectives of their respective department are made….. In effect justification of expenditures in this budget year. I must say that each and every department did an admirable job of doing so….. Save the City Attorney’s Office which had been saved for last.  I can honestly tell you that in all the years of monitoring and reporting on County and Municipal Government, I have almost always walked away from meetings impressed with the job performance of Department Heads, especially given budget constraints and limitations.

Folks, in my many years of public service I have had the opportunity to observe and work with numerous government agencies, and I can categorically state that SG City Employees stand at the top of the job performance list….. Including and not to be overlooked is our City Attorney, Shawn Guzman. In my professional career I have worked with and interacted with countless lawyers….. And none have I found more deserving of admiration and respect than Mr. Guzman….. Whom I believe (For a long period of time) has and is now working with limited resources especially when considering the rapid and at times uncontrolled growth rate of the city. I have come to recognize Mr. Guzman as a really good man and an excellent City Attorney.

As I mentioned the Legal Services Department was to be heard last in discussing budget needs this night. When it came time for Mr. Guzman to make his Public Presentation I could not help but to take note of his facial expression in which I detected a genuine concern for what he was about to say. Mr. Guzman stated….. I find it necessary to request a “Closed Session” to present the Legal Services Department Budget. Litigation Issues exist, that have an impact on what may be said concerning Legal Services budget needs. In recognition of what I considered an unusual declaration by Mr. Guzman….. The mayor called for a motion to move to a Closed Session and the Council immediately and without discussion voted to close the public meeting and shut the door of transparency.

Folks, as we approach the filing period for those who may wish to throw their hat in the ring and run for City Council, I feel it is important to considered how easy and routine it has become for our elected officials to vote for a Closed Session. The ever increasing number of Litigation Issues confronting the city….. That may or may not reflect on the performance of Elected Officials….. Action in which the Public is systematically excluded from knowing what is taking place is troubling.  It’s kind of what is going on in our national politics. We elect U.S. Senators and Members of Congress who promise to carry out the public’s wishes and when they get to Washington they conveniently turn their backs on the public.  At the local level City Council candidates promise Transparency and when they get in office they tend to forget about transparency and systematically and without discussion routinely vote for a “Closed Session”….. Even, when it involves fiscal budget discussion.

I know, there is, a time and a place for everything….. Just like when it’s appropriate to have a Council Person declare a conflict of interest.  Having declared a conflict of interest the Council Person may still take part in the discussion and even vote on the issue…… But it sure is nice and informative for the public to know, what is taking place….. Absent the appearance that those in authority may be hiding what they are doing. It makes it possible to evaluate job performance does it not? I have to take my hat off to Councilman Hughes, who when representing the city before the County Commission Hearing….. Held to discussing curbside recycling, allegedly declared a conflict of interest when it came time for him to give input that ultimately helped to decide who was to be given the contract to pick up the trash. Reportedly the Councilman’s brother got the contract but isn’t it nice to know Jimmy was straight forward about it?

At this meeting Mayor Pike reported “I don’t know what is going to happen concerning City Curbside Recycling”. The cost may be $3.82. The opt out plan which is what we will do. We need to know what we are doing…. take extra steps or what? Administrative costs…. 50 cents?  The Curbside Recycling will probably not be acted on till possibly September. Folks, this will be right in the middle of elections for City Council Seats….. 3 of them.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know that transparency is alive and well when SG City Council votes on who is to be awarded curbside recycling contract?  As a point of interest the Municipal Primary Election is to take place August 11th and the General Election will be on November 3rd.

FOLKS, I wish to thank the Senior Sampler and Pete and Barbara Leadenham for the kindness extended to me in allowing uncensored freedom of expression as I endeavor to inform and educate the public on what I see taking place in City Government. The Senior Sampler’s undying support for Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Speech guaranteed under the First Amendment was unwavering. Even during trying times when threats were made that spelled out the financial ruin of the Senior Sampler….. Pete Leadenham refused to surrender citing the importance of protecting and preserving the Constitution of the United States. Pete chose not to publicly identify the source of the threats and instead offered to print counter points of view. Invitations fell on deaf ears and attempts to force a cessation of Freedom of the Press did not prevail.

Friends, as this election cycle approaches….. Mr. Leadenham and I concluded it is now time to voluntarily bring to an end our humble approach to having an informed electorate.  Pete had it right when he explained that it was not enough to elect individuals with shared principles but that we should be vigilant of STANDARDS kept while in office.

Conflict of Interest cannot and should not be ignored by those elected to public office or those who may seek to hold public office. I have chosen to make public, instances where the perception of wrong doing is as damning as the act itself. Therefore, as I may join other candidates seeking public office….. I feel obligated NOT to write articles while candidates are actively campaigning. To do so would give the perception of a potential Conflict of Interest on my part. More importantly it would not be fair to my fellow citizens. We of course know that incumbents have a distinct advantage that is derived from the power and authority of the office they hold. How incumbents go about influencing others for support is a decision to be made by incumbents. Their actions will be judged by the voters. At the conclusion of the election process I will be free to comment on the performance of those elected. Candidly I hope to see new faces sitting on the City Council…. I believe there are many gifted and qualified individuals capable of making significant contributions to SG City.

Pete and Barbara, a profound thank you for the example of courage you have given me. May the Lord bless and keep you safe.  ED BACA.


1 comment to Ed’s Up On City Council Issues… Wanted Worthy Citizens

  • Allen fulmer

    Love Ed’s candor, courage & integrity. I just hope he attracts the same qualities in voters to lead in City administration. Question: I’ve heard the Lions have won much favor in this community and have access to paving methods. Do they intend to pave the parking lot at the disabilities park, (aka- Dust Bowl)? I’m sure, by now, they know it causes much breathing issues for local residents. Thank you, in advance, for a response.