
3 Simple Estate Planning Questions You Must Answer

Issue 20.16

Maybe you’re still young or in good health, but whatever reasons you have for not thinking about your estate yet, it’s time to make sure a few practical matters are resolved. None of us know the exact moment of your passing and lack of preparation can leave your family scrambling and stressed instead of being able to grieve during a traumatic time. Though it’s never fun to think about death, take a moment to plan these arrangements so you can save your loved ones time and energy.

Where Are Your Accounts and Paperwork?

Take the time to organize all your financial and legal documents in one place. Among those documents should be your passwords and login information for all online accounts. We can walk you through a checklist to make sure you have everything in order for when you pass away.

What Kind of Memorial Service Would You Like?

Sit down with your family and let them know exactly what you’d like your funeral to be. If there’s a special poem, someone you’d like to sing, or a funny story that you’d like shared, now is the time to organize those details rather than hope your children will know what to do after your passing.

Who is Authorized to Make Decisions for You?

Designating someone with power of attorney and healthcare power of attorney is invaluable. Choosing someone you trust to carry out your wishes when you are no longer able can help you prevent conflict in your family should disagreements arise.

Let Eric Scott Financial Help!

Our firm works with you to help ensure you are prepared for any and all unforeseen circumstances. We aren’t attorneys but we work closely with a network of legal professionals who can help you get your documents in order. If you have questions about making estate preparations, call our office at (435)773-9444 and schedule a time to visit with us.

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