
Genealogy Corner… Papers and Files

Issue 21.16

Genealogists save a lot of notes, photocopies, and all sorts of papers. At some point, they will need to be organized. I would like to encourage you to review your notes and your files. It is amazing what you will find that you already have. Most of us go off on a research trip, make copies and scans, enter some of the facts into our genealogy program and then forget about the notes and copies we took. I get busy and put it in a pile or file to do later.

Stop and review those piles or files. We need to stop and look at them again because now we may have different perspective than we had when we copied them. What we know now is different than what we knew then. Review your genealogy if it is on Family Tree, online somewhere or on a desktop computer program and see if you have added the information. Compare it, find out if you need more information or if this is the information you were looking for. Many times adding the information into the computer will spark new ideas, or lead you to finding further information.

Go through some of your files; examine those early notes and copies. Organize them if you have to. Compare the materials to what you know now about a person or family. Toss any duplicate copies you have made over the years. My favorite organizing method is The Family Roots Organizer Color Coding System. You can find information at: The method is by Mary E V Hill. I began using this method, years ago, and when I keep it up, it is awesome!

If you are like me, and you have files and files of information, it might be a good time to scan them and make sure they are uploaded to Family Tree as sources or memories so that everyone can see them and use them. Add any newly found information to your files, and clear the piles. Set up two kinds of boxes, a family surname box or boxes, and a holding file box. You can also organize records by locality. Pick a method that you like so that you will use it and remain consistent.

For more information, contact Shanna Jones

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