
The Purpose Of A Death Certificate

Issue 18.16

A death certificate is an official statement of the cause, date, and place of a person’s death.  A death certificate is approved and verified by three different individuals:  the physician, the funeral director, and the local registrar.  Sometimes funeral directors refer to this form in short as a “D.C”.

Once a person passes away, it is the role of the funeral home to generate the D.C. and deliver it to the physician for signature.  The funeral director must obtain certain vital statistical information on the deceased.  Among other things, this information includes the person’s legal name, birthdate, birthplace, address, social security number, marital status, parent’s names, education level, race/ethnicity, and information regarding the disposition of the body, including burial, cremation, etc.  If this vital statistical information has not been recorded in advance, it is the duty of the family to provide it to the funeral home.

The deceased’s doctor signs the D.C. and lists the official cause of death, including the immediate cause of death and any other contributing factors, including duration of illness and tobacco use.  It also lists whether or not a woman was pregnant during the last year and states whether or not an autopsy was performed.  The Utah State Medical Examiner will investigate any death that is deemed an accident, suicide, or homicide, and will take responsibility for signing the D.C. in place of the doctor.  Injury or accident information is also listed on a D.C. if applicable.

A licensed funeral director then signs the D.C. and is responsible for carrying out the disposition of the body as indicated.  The local health department issues the certified copies of the official D.C.  The State of Utah’s current fee for the first D.C. is $18 and $8 for each additional.  The number of D.C.’s you need varies greatly due to the amount of personal assets, life insurance, legal issues, etc.

To record your vital statistical information in advance and to obtain a free copy of a memorial planning guide, please stop by our office or call us anytime.  Serenity Funeral Home is located just off Riverside Drive at 1316 S. 400 E., St. George, UT, (435) 986-2085, or visit us on-line at

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