
The Importance Of Humility In The Funeral Industry

Issue 39.15

What makes a funeral home truly great? One answer that immediately comes to my mind is humility. A quote by an unknown author reads, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” According to the late great Stephen Covey in First Things First, “Humility is truly the mother of […]

The Wisdom in Selecting a Specialist

Issue 34.15

I recently returned from a family vacation to California. While we were there, my brother had a toothache. Not just any toothache – an incredibly painful, vacation –altering toothache. He had been to see a dentist in his hometown a few weeks earlier. His dentist had performed a root canal and had assured […]

The Growing Trend Of Candid Obituaries

Issue 33.15

An article recently published on-line in The New York Times by Katharine Q. Seelye caught my attention. Entitled “Obituaries Shed Euphemisms to Chronicle Toll of Heroin,” this feature focuses on the growing trend of writing obituaries in a candid manner. The article specifically deals with death as a result of addiction to heroin […]

Famous Last Words

Issue 29.15

The Huffington Post recently published an article by Yagana Shah entitled, “Eight Famous People and their Equally Famous Last Words.” It really got me thinking – what would I want my last words to be? Here is a brief overview of Ms. Shah’s article.

1. “No, I certainly can’t.” – President John F. […]

What Makes A Cremation Center Unique?

Issue 25.15

Do you, or does someone you know, want to be cremated? When you think of cremation facilities, what do you envision? Do you have questions regarding the cremation process but don’t know whom to ask? And finally, why is it better to choose a cremation center over a traditional funeral home?

Quite simply, […]

Veteran’s Burial Benefits

Issue 24.15

We recently celebrated Memorial Day – a day for remembering the people who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. Our nation’s heroes are our veterans and we should continuously give thanks for their service. Many people have questions concerning what types of benefits are available to a veteran at the time […]

Everyone Can Afford A Funeral

Issue 19.15

In today’s society, many people believe that it is not possible to afford a funeral for themselves or for their loved ones. However, I believe that everyone can afford a funeral if they consider what I call the “who, what, and how” criteria: who you select, what you select, and how you plan.


Control Of Disposition

Issue 18.15

The word “disposition” has several meanings. According to Wikipedia, disposition is defined as “a habit, a preparation, a state of readiness, or a tendency to act in a specified way.” In the funeral industry, disposition generally refers to what happens to an individual’s body at the time of death. If you were to […]

Weddings And Funerals

Issue 14.15

These days, it seems like the only time extended families gather together is for one of two occasions: a wedding or a funeral. Both are very emotional occurrences on opposite ends of the spectrum. Friends and family will usually do whatever they can to attend because they understand the importance of the affair. […]

The Science And Art Of Embalming… Skill, Care And Attention

Issue 13.15

The process of embalming has been around for thousands of years and has been practiced by many ancient cultures, including the Incas of Peru and the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Most notably, the ancient Egyptians have been credited with elevating embalming to its highest form by developing the process of mummification. They […]