
Vision Impairment And Hearing Loss

Issue 24.12

Sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch are the 5 traditionally recognized human senses. Problems with these senses are common experiences within the older US population. How does losing vision, hearing or both affect everyday activities for you or a loved one?

Hearing and vision problems are not manifest disabilities, and both can […]

Your Eyes, Your Health… What We All Need To Know

Issue 9.12

Do you find yourself squinting to read your favorite magazine? Has driving around town while running errands become more of a challenge, particularly at night? Are you constantly jockeying to sit in the chair closest to the TV—for a better view? If any of these scenarios hits home, you may have a common […]

What Is Glaucoma?… Early Detection Is Crucial

Issue 44.11

You may hear a lot about Glaucoma, but what is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the eye’s optic nerve and can result in vision loss and blindness. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in the United States, and affects 2 to 3 million Americans each year. […]

Diabetes And The Eye

Issue 34.11

Do you have diabetes? If you do, you are not alone. It is estimated that among U.S. residents ages 65 years and older, 10.9 million, or 26.9%, had diabetes in 2010. Among ages 20 and older, 25.6 million, or 11.3 % have diabetes. Furthermore, it is also estimated that 79 million Americans ages […]

Sharon Richens, MD Corrects Astigmatism Along With Cataract Surgery

Issue 29.11

Astigmatism is a common form of visual impairment in which an image is blurred, due to an irregularity in the curvature of the front surface of the eye, called the cornea. With astigmatism the curve of the cornea is shaped more like a football rather […]

Preventing Eye Disease

Issue 24.11

The summer is almost upon us and the sun is shining. With temperatures rising, we need to be using sunscreen and moisturizers to protect our skin, drinking ample water to keep ourselves from dehydration and wearing hats and scarves to keep the heat away… and […]

Macular Degeneration And Low Vision Devices… “Miracle Solutions”

Issue 19.11

When someone is told that they have macular degeneration (AMD), it can seem devastating. It can affect the ability to read, to see faces, and do everyday tasks. Some people are so anxious to be able to see well […]

Signs Of Allergies And Treatment

Issue 14.11

Spring is the most common time of the year for people to experience hay fever. As the weather gets warmer and plants start to bloom, trees and grasses release pollen into the air. This spells misery for the allergy […]

Safe Night Driving For Older Drivers… The Need For Yearly Eye Exams

Issue 9.11

Fading night vision can be a frustrating fact and a serious traffic hazard. As we age, our vision usually becomes blurry gradually and sometime we may not notice it. To make matters worse, eye problems like cataracts and glaucoma […]

Computer Eye Strain… Reducing Bothersome Visual Symptoms

Issue 4.11

In today’s age of technology computer use is part of our normal everyday activities and computer eye strain has become a major complaint. Studies show that eye strain and other bothersome visual symptoms occur in 50 to 90 percent of people that use […]